Tuesday, April 27, 2010

E for Evacuation

We set off on Saturday to start the Milford Track; unfortunately, at the same time that we started, so did the rain. We made it to the first of three huts fairly dry, but overnight several hundred millimeters of rain fell, making it impossible for anyone on the track ahead of us to move forward the next day. We spent a rainy sunday day and night held at the hut, sharing one deck of cards, a makeshift backgammon board, and a cartoon puzzle amongst 40 people. On Monday, rain still pelting down, the department of conservation decided that everyone on the track would be evacuated. Much to Louisa's happiness (and everyone else's disappointment), our hut was selected to walk back out the 5km we had come, while the other two huts were taken out by helicopter. Led by our fearless ranger Peter Jackson (no relation to the Kiwi movie-maker of LOTR fame), we made the tramp through some thigh-deep (and cold!) river overflow, back to the boat and down to Te Anau. A few hours later, we found ourselves back at our favorite hostel, toasting our (helicopter-free) return with glasses of NZ wine.

Milford Track 1; Jon and Louisa 0 - but we'll be back!

Check out this article and video about the evacuation

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