Thursday, April 15, 2010

South Island!

Here are a few pictures from the past two days. We crossed from the North to the South island on an early morning ferry and drove into the island through a lot of vineyards. We camped near lake Rotoiti (see below) and had plans to hike today, but we awoke to the prototypical South Island weather...rain. We scrapped our hike and drove further south, where we found some sun along a great coastline drive and were able to go for a 8km walk. We wrapped up our day with a visit to the Monteith's Brewery (appropriate after seeing all those vineyards, right?) and are gonna rest up tonight because tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful and we have plans to do an overnight hike over Avalanche Peak at Arthur's Pass (don't worry, Moms, its not avalanche season!)

Ferry from North to South Island

Camping on Lake Rotoiti (Nelson Lakes National Park)

For Mom/Andrea - yeah, there are a lot of sheep here!

For Mom/Marty - and a few horses too!

pancake rocks on the drive south along the west coast

Pouring our own drinks at the Monteith's Brewery


  1. Everything looks AMAZING!!! And it sounds like you guys are having better luck with the ferries!

  2. PS-The Steph and Austin posts are really just Steph

  3. maybe you should stick to having bartenders pour your drinks
