Saturday, April 17, 2010

Epic Hike = Epic Blog Post

We started off early yesterday morning at Arthur's Pass, on a hike up to the top of Avalanche Mountain and over to the other side to a valley hut. We saw pretty much everything you can imagine a hike could have, including...

steep forest climbs

steep climbs over boulders

shockingly good views of a glacier (pronounced glassier)

amazing views

a crazy descent on a skree slope (that little black dot is Louisa)

a night in a mountain hut with two other couples and more amazing views of the stars

but try as we might to avoid getting wet

and we really did try (we even had one bootless crossing)

we eventually sucked it up (and soaked it up) and jumped right in with our boots on.

Like we said, pretty much everything you could imagine


  1. Amazing terrain!

    (Motherly queries: Was it very cold near the peaks? Are your boots dry?)

    Looking forward to seeing where you two are off to next.

  2. There was definitely a fall chill in the air, but we had great sun for most of the hike, which helped keep us pretty warm. And no, the boots are still drying. Jon actually rigged an elaborate drying method this morning using the outflow from the campsite dryers! They're still damp, but we probably won't need them for another day or two anyway.
