Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Not much to report here, as we had a kind of lazy/rainy sunday. we slept in, did some laundry, checked out the Fanz Joseph Glassier from below via a short, nearly handicap accessible walk, because our boots were still wet and the weather wasn't conducive to an 8hr hike to get up above it.

Since there's not much new news, we thought we throw you a couple tidbits from days past. First, Louisa unfortunately lost her beloved visor, and in an attempt to find a new one we came across a store that had nearly 50 visors, all of which were some color variation of three basic images. One was an Eminem logo, anther a 50 Cent logo, and the last was a New York Yankees logo. Needless to say, we're still looking for a visor...

Also, there have been some rather dramatic road signs here regarding speeding. Jon probably should have paid closer attention to them (he got busted doing 114), but really he thinks they're just a distraction, here's a few of the ones we've seen so far:

Be patient, don't be a patient.
Speeding Ticket (over a picture of a body in a morgue with a toe tag)
(a picture of a speedometer at 120km/hr where the indicator needle is actually a cross)
Drive to survive, arrive alive
Stay left - High crash zone [it was also a high tourist zone]
100 (encircled by many target-like circles) - its not a target, drive to the conditions.
You're a long time what's the hurry?

what do you think? are these helpful? scary? or just a big distraction?


  1. The road signs remind me of the ones we saw on the road between Bordeaux and Sarlat many years ago. I don't know if you remember them. They were big black cutouts of a human form with red paint representing blood on them. Pretty scary and pretty distracting as well.

  2. Wow, New Zealand is slowly creeping up the Honeymoon destination list!

    I bet the signs are helpful to most people - although they seem to be a distraction to you. I've got a great 4G iPhone commercial in my head of Louisa studying a map while Jon writes down these clever pro-life reminders while going 114 and posting to the Blog.

    Garnett got ejected after his second technical in an ugly Game 1 victory over the Heat and the Mets won in 20 innings yesterday.

    Who is "protecting this house" until you get a new visor?

  3. nice pick up on the under-armor visor. its probably protecting a camper van and not a house, since we think it got left at a camp site.
