Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our Heels are Pointing at You

faithful followers,
sorry to keep you reloading a stale blog for so long, but we had a
very administrative day in Auckland yesterday. Checking in at the
hostel, buyin camping supplies, changing money, renting a car, etc. To
try to spice it up a little we'll lay down our first By The Numbers:

19 hours travelled forward in time
6 angry dorm mates
5am when we both woke up
2 cancelled credit cards
1 lost passport
1 car rental agency broken into in attempt to recover lost passport
1 recovered passport


  1. 6 angry dorm mates? 2 cancelled credit cards?

  2. So that explains the APB put out by the Auckland police for a suspicious-looking couple of Yanks.

  3. sounds like you have had an interesting trip so far!!! We look forward to hearing more of your adventures.
